A man who is smart and intelligent and who is capable of doing everything and could have any job. Also He does not have friends who bully them
by good dude 123 February 9, 2020
n. A quiet and dependable group of people who are known especially for their unbeatable work ethic. Usually originate in the Netherlands. Can also be red-headed.
by Maximillion Master777 March 11, 2009
Tall, amazing, and beautiful girl who has a heart of gold and a smile that lights up the world. She has a cute little nose that looks adorable when she's upset, and has the most adorable Spock ear you will ever see. She's amazing, and a person that deserves the best in life from everyone.
by Mr. Rosas December 4, 2012
When the penis whispers to the hand and says, "its ok to go in thier, she won't mind." And the hand listens and surcomes to the urge of fingering that lucky girl.
by Fanga April 4, 2008
hansen? who the fuck were they?
by flat6 July 12, 2006
Eric: ah man my Hansen hurts after I fell of my dinosaur
Steve: ah shit Eric I hate when that happens
Steve: ah shit Eric I hate when that happens
by I_like_hot_moms March 6, 2020
by bread infection November 8, 2005