Oral sex of the penis performed by a toothless individual. Such persons Mike include an old woman or a toothless prostitute.
The old lady I met at the grocery store followed me back home and gave me a gum hum.

That toothless meth whore gum hums really good for $5.
by Eaton Holgoode April 11, 2017
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Gum and Hum. (Gum and Hum) When a woman of any age removes her dental anatomy to perform a specific type of fellatio that combines both rubbing the shaft and tip of the cock with one's gums and humming different jolly time sea melodies.
Last night was boss! Edith gave me the old "Gum and Hum" and we aren't even going steady! Gee, my knob sure felt keen!
by PerfecTwist August 13, 2013
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