a slang term to describe the state of being high or "drugged up" to the point where one is incapable of basic thoughts and functions. Sometimes used between staff members in hospitals
- How's the guy in room 1209 doing?
- Man, he’s fuckin’ gorked!
by MrPinkPickles November 11, 2007
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Acronym for "God Only Really Knows" - Medical slang for someone who has suffered a traumatic head injury and is comatose or in a persistent vegetative state.
This guy was shot in the head. He's never going to come out of his coma. He's a gork now.
by blunt_instrument November 6, 2003
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One who pops fart bubbles in the bath tub with their nose, alternate definition one who sniffs bike seats after someone uses such seat
Anthony is such a gork he loves to smell the seats after the tour de france.

He also enjoys farting in the tub then popping the bubbles with his nose in order to smell them being the gork that he is.
by bigdennydballmcsketchikins August 4, 2009
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being high, or coming down from a high. being totally baked, stoned, lit, ect.
Dude, Kevin was totally gorked at school!
by NaLo April 19, 2008
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When a doctor over-prescribes (usually psychoactive) medications. A higher dose than necessary, though not physically damaging, results in a 'flat affect', i.e. zombie-like state. 'Thorazine/Haldol Shuffle'.
The doctors are gorking my mentally-challenged uncle.

That patient is being gorked...look at his Haldol Shuffle!
by LexiLurgee October 17, 2009
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noun - used to identify when someone has absolutely no intelligence, taken from the medical slang of the same name used as shorthand to signify a patient has no brain activity.
by that last remark, you have proven you are a gork
by Willie Felersnatch August 31, 2007
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One who is both a geek and a dork.
Look at that fucktard with the hunch back and his grandma's bra. Man what a gork
by Kate rocks August 9, 2003
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