Good German

Somebody who turns a blind eye to criminal atrocities comitted by the government. This includes: needless war, lying to the public, stripping civil rights away from the public, ignoring laws held to keep it in check and disrespecting the general populace.
Even when the man on TV spoke of "alternative facts", Jerry didn't argue or speak out because he was a good German.
by SquiuqS February 24, 2017
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Good German

A citizen of Nazi Germany who participated in or overlooked atrocities while denying personal moral responsibility by appeal to his submission to supposedly legitimate authority.
The American CIA agents who relied on the White House legal justification of torture were nothing more than Good Germans.
by The Barefoot Bum June 18, 2009
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Good German

A half german half british man who wants to gas all the other germans to fight the true cause.
by Bezzin 008 September 17, 2008
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