iain is a ging.
he is a carrot top/red head/jaffa/fanta pants!
by jake blues March 29, 2004
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a sexually transmitted disease that can be cured by drinking lots of pina coladas from chinese restaurants.(one such outbreak occured during a national Model United Nations conference.)
Man, don't get the ginge of the panoose.
by giyansta May 2, 2005
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scottish corruption of minging. to be minging/minger.
arrghh...thats pure ginging!
by %---{viru$}---% December 17, 2003
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Can be used to describe the anus, or the vagina.
"There's a car right up me ginge!"
by ladyhancock March 24, 2003
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vb. to ginge: to cheat on a girl and then go back and repeatedly hook up with her after you broke up with her; certainly feeling no regret
what you cheated on her? are you gonna ginge her ass?
by D-Bag March 21, 2006
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a euphemism for marijuana, allegedly used by Huey Lewis through the 90s. Rhymes with 'ding' and 'sing'.
Hey, wanna come smoke some ging in my tour bus?

That's some dank ging.
by Reverend Rory February 3, 2011
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