When you are on discord and someone walks into the room so you have to go on deafen.
What you say to your mates after Getting Doored:

"Sorry, guys I got doored by my sister."
by A.W.M July 29, 2021
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The act of getting the door, on who gets doors.

An expression in which no other expression is suitable and therefor is generally nonmeaningful
"Get the door"

"What ???"

"...Get the door."
by g37_7h3_d00r May 31, 2004
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the art of taking it up the arse.commonly referring to anal sex . hetro or homo .
dave mcguire loves getting his back door kicked in by Paul!

whats dave doing? - getting his back door kicked in !

let me kick your back door in you piece of shit!

you love getting your back door kicked in!
by nikstej February 13, 2009
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The Quote/Reason Why Sheldon Cooper Doesn’t Hold Open Doors For People.
If You Hold A Door For Someone And They Rob You.
Lenard:HEY,HEY Hold The Door!
Sheldon:Hold The Door Get Robbed Some More!
by LegendaryUrban October 10, 2018
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