4 definitions by g37_7h3_d00r

The grand master, a person of great worth and importance, often a leader.
Steve is the grand toast of this corperation
by g37_7h3_d00r May 5, 2004
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Fell off the side the most in SSBM

Can also refer to somebody who totally sucks at everything.
Link was the master of disaster this game.

Steven is a master of disaster
by g37_7h3_d00r May 5, 2004
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The act of getting the door, on who gets doors.

An expression in which no other expression is suitable and therefor is generally nonmeaningful
"Get the door"

"What ???"

"...Get the door."
by g37_7h3_d00r May 31, 2004
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Used when expressing frustration or anger. Generally associated with poverty.
Ah Graham! I spilled piping hot gravy all over myself
by g37_7h3_d00r May 5, 2004
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