A Geringeverdiener is a austrian or someone with low income,
(ger.)Bruder Österreicher sind solche Geringverdiener!
by Zuwumix November 13, 2021
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It is a German term meaning "low-earner". It basically describes a person that has a usually simple job that does not pay well or is basically poor. Since around 2019 the term has been developed into an insult towards people who don't have money. You may use it towards a person because of a specific situation, in which a person shows behavior of having a low income, or you use it to describe one's general life situation. It is usually meant in a funny way but may also deeply insult a person.
*two friends want to buy beer: Friend 1: "I don't have enough money on me right now so I will only buy the cheap brand like Karlskrone." Friend 2: "Hahah Geringverdiener!"
*guy with a Porsche is annoyed by a cyclist in front of him: Guy: (honking and overtaking him): "out of the way Geringverdiener"
by QApparatQ January 13, 2022
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A Geringverdiener is a Person who's Not driving a Lamborgini for fun
Person1: Omg Look its Moinz
Person2: Yeah He's Not driving a Lambo
Person2: What a Geringverdiener LMAO
by Fygxx October 31, 2021
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Geringverdiener is a German word, which main meaning is a person, who doesn’t have a lot of money. After a News Broadcast (Tagesschau) made a social media post about Germanys Youth Word 2021 which went viral, it basically became a meme.
He's such a Geringverdiener!

German sentence: Jetzt mach doch nicht auf Geringverdiener!
by SomeOneFromMunich January 28, 2022
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