
To talk like an old person; especially about physical maladies.
When I asked Joe how he was doin', I didn't want to hear him geezing for 10 minutes about his root canal.
by mollytim June 19, 2010
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Pronounciation: gíz

A word synonymous with failure, dissapointment, annoyance and frustration. It can also be used to describe an individual who frequents seedy nightclubs and similar establishments alone for the specific purpose of picking up members of the opposite sex much younger than themselves. The word can be used in several formats, such as 'being a geeze', 'pulling a geeze' or 'geezing'.
Holly decided to visit the library but was soon removed from the premises for geezing everyone present.

Kieran was a nice guy but sometimes he would turn into such a geeze.

Stuart hoped he had done well in his final exams but unfortunately pulled a geeze.

Sam knew it wasn't the right thing to do but he just loved going to the Spearmint Rhino to pick up those teenagers.

Joe tried his best to work in the frankly terrible conditions but it was too much of a geeze.
by EMOSOME September 8, 2016
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Jeremy was so geezed the other night when the cops busted him.
by Diesel*Stroker August 4, 2008
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What one says when they are annoyed or insulted.
Ex. 1- "Geeze, would you go away already?"

Ex. 2- "Lay off me already, geeze."
by CoshSA May 31, 2005
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The act of spending time being completely engaged in doing nothing important or relevant.
Betty: Hey- what are you doing at the computer?
Mike: Nothing- just geezing through a Wiki.
by Habbie January 27, 2011
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it is short for gee-wizz.
by Maisy Metrix February 13, 2006
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friend, or ally...term of endearment coined by late far rockaway mixtape legend Stack Bundles
Yo geez meet me at the club in twenty minutes.
by cj83 January 30, 2010
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