When Google employees bitch and complain about having their perks removed.
"This G1 is the shittiest holiday bonus ever."
"Stop your GBitching."
by zeromhz February 28, 2009
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A guy that is a pussy ass bitch. He thinks he is above everyone else. Has meltdowns when things doesn't go his way. A beer snob that loves hogging beer.
Gbitch is a having a meltdown because his beer photo didn't get recognize from the beer shop. It's cute when beer snobs have random meltdown... oh that gbitch is at it again.
by humponthis April 18, 2015
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a person who lacks intelligence and can not tell time very well. Usually from mimico Ontario.

Also a biggity bitch who gets shown up by girls when it comes to drinking.
Gbitch is so dumb, he can't even set his clock right idiot.
by pimpski45 December 28, 2007
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Bitches who still play Gmod.
"Gosh, stop being such a gbitch and play another game!"
by Daaaan December 5, 2019
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