When someone dives in/goes in to an unsafe spot, knowingly, risking his life and not caring for once. Using it as a catchphrase to call this decision.
"Gwa Gwa Gwa." *Setts rushes in the bush*
by Ultra69 December 19, 2021
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Person 1: Gwa Gwa daddy~
Person 2: Yes kitten I'll give anal
by Hamsters Balls July 10, 2022
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Something to exclaim when you are either sad or legitimately have no idea what to say so you just start speaking gibberish.
"And so, after I did that I wasn't really sure if I got in trouble or not."
"gwa gwa"
by torbonut May 16, 2020
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Gwa gwa is a meme used by many people and used to define a cat saying "Gwa Gwa"
cat : gwa gwa
me : no way
by Lolriz April 26, 2021
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