The shitty GIF library that Urban Dictionary uses that for some reason only searches for the word you are writing a definition for.
GIPHY sucks.
by UltroGmr July 7, 2020
by eat my shit you fuck face November 29, 2016
Bob: check out this GIF I’m sending you that I got from GIPHY
John: nobody uses GIFs anymore Bob. I know it’s been hard since your wife died after she killed herself and your children, but somebody had to tell you. Bob I’m saying this as a friend when I say it, seek help. You can’t bring them back Bob. You need to move on, it’s only matter of time until- Oooh a minion gif XD
Bob: lmao
John: nobody uses GIFs anymore Bob. I know it’s been hard since your wife died after she killed herself and your children, but somebody had to tell you. Bob I’m saying this as a friend when I say it, seek help. You can’t bring them back Bob. You need to move on, it’s only matter of time until- Oooh a minion gif XD
Bob: lmao
by A unique and funny pseudonym May 5, 2018
by SqizilixYT February 10, 2017
A site filled with animated images. Some of them are undeniably cringy.
You search up anything and something comes up that probably matches your desire for an animated image.
You search up anything and something comes up that probably matches your desire for an animated image.
by don'tbme May 12, 2021
Giphy ; is an action of great importance.
Also, a .gif app. with 'fab' pic's.
As seen on this site Urban Dictionary
Also, a .gif app. with 'fab' pic's.
As seen on this site Urban Dictionary
The clip of the big 'Barack Hussein Obama' above/below, is what comes first up when you search for 'giphy'.
He is a little bit 'giphy'. But, shhh don't tell - it's a secret. ...
He is a little bit 'giphy'. But, shhh don't tell - it's a secret. ...
by Bryn Benn June 7, 2020