An internet meme originating from the popular computer game Team Fortress 2. A common source of "epic lulz", and slightly less epic lung cancer.

It is also accompanied by a monthly holiday, "GENTLEMEN Day", which occurs on the fifth of every month (especially June 5th). It has also achieved a bit of fame via Tom Green Live.

2. "I was wondering if you could do maybe a favour for me. Could you grab the pencils from the cup in front of you and say the word, 'GENTLEMEN'?"


by Aaron Fox. July 30, 2008
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This is gentlemen

Originally a misspelling of "This is it, gentlemen.", but now used as a way to point out nice things. If someone tips you, this is gentlemen. If the price of Bitcoin rises, this is gentlemen. If the sun shines, this is gentlemen.
by kristofferR November 12, 2014
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a way to let everyone know that what comes next will make you shit your pants. It is an attention grabber, and it shows that the shit has just hit the fan.
who is that guy? Gentlemen, Wade garrett! Holy shit! Exactly right!
by captain poopypants November 27, 2004
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The Gentlemen

When someone is wearing a top hat everyone must say 'The Gentlemen'. You may only say this and put on the top hat after it falls on someone's head randomly.
As popularized by How I Met Your Mother
by RaphIsAweomse May 12, 2012
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The word a Warrant Officer uses to talk down to those that are in a lower ranked position.
Alec Blunder: "Gentlemen, get outside NOW!"
Cadets: (What a prick. Worst CWO ever.)
by PBhachu April 7, 2017
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The act of talking sirly, like a gentlemen, when speaking to or texting someone.
Our literary skills grew as we continued gentlemening.
by Mooly Coorus February 13, 2014
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homeboys that you get fucked up with
yo me and the gentlemen are gonna rip mad joints this weekend
by Patty Pat Pat McPat Pat June 4, 2006
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