Most of the words definitions related to 'g' all define it as gansta or something related to gansta culture. The original use of 'g' came from a divided sect of the Nation of Islam, this sect known as the 5 percent nation. It was originally used to promote a belief of godliness or god being a thing that could be achieved from within, and was used in the context of refering to members of the 5 percent nation, also know as the nation of gods. The HipHop group the Wu-Tang Clan commonly uses 'g' in this sense.
by Smizzles May 16, 2005
Though used most often for gangster/gangsta today, it originally meant God and was coined by the Nation of Gods and Earths also known as the 5 percenters.
The religion identifies all black men (or others affiliated with the group) as their own god.
The religion identifies all black men (or others affiliated with the group) as their own god.
by Ralf futz July 14, 2008
by Lehem October 18, 2003
He: Bob's girl friend is a G.
Friend: Meaning?
He: She has big breasts ....
Friend: You mean enormous and floppy?
No: No, just big and firm -- and great!
Friend: Meaning?
He: She has big breasts ....
Friend: You mean enormous and floppy?
No: No, just big and firm -- and great!
by ring-tailed roarer September 16, 2010
1. gangsta
2. title
3 a grand- money
4. game as in someone pick up lines or skillz to get who or what they want.
2. title
3 a grand- money
4. game as in someone pick up lines or skillz to get who or what they want.
1. Yo, he a real G, he had the hood shook.
2. What up G?
3. I got 5 G's lets get down.
4. Yo that kid is fine, he got the G, I think imma fuck him tonight.
2. What up G?
3. I got 5 G's lets get down.
4. Yo that kid is fine, he got the G, I think imma fuck him tonight.
by Alz February 27, 2005
by Lukas from canada June 1, 2006