Most of the words definitions related to 'g' all define it as gansta or something related to gansta culture. The original use of 'g' came from a divided sect of the Nation of Islam, this sect known as the 5 percent nation. It was originally used to promote a belief of godliness or god being a thing that could be achieved from within, and was used in the context of refering to members of the 5 percent nation, also know as the nation of gods. The HipHop group the Wu-Tang Clan commonly uses 'g' in this sense.
This is my 'G' from the Universal Nation of Gods.
by Smizzles May 16, 2005
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Though used most often for gangster/gangsta today, it originally meant God and was coined by the Nation of Gods and Earths also known as the 5 percenters.

The religion identifies all black men (or others affiliated with the group) as their own god.
by Ralf futz July 14, 2008
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$1000 or 1 gram of drugs; term for an unfamiliar male; Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
by Lehem October 18, 2003
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Based on the bra cup sizes (AA, A, B, C, D, etc), a term for a girl or woman with large breasts.
He: Bob's girl friend is a G.
Friend: Meaning?
He: She has big breasts ....
Friend: You mean enormous and floppy?
No: No, just big and firm -- and great!
by ring-tailed roarer September 16, 2010
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1. gangsta
2. title
3 a grand- money
4. game as in someone pick up lines or skillz to get who or what they want.
1. Yo, he a real G, he had the hood shook.
2. What up G?
3. I got 5 G's lets get down.
4. Yo that kid is fine, he got the G, I think imma fuck him tonight.
by Alz February 27, 2005
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It's a g thang
Gangsta: " it's a G thang! "
by Mr.GThang December 8, 2013
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A G means one gram of something(most of the time its weed).
Jimi: How much weed did you get man?
Joe: 3 G's man.
Jimi: Kick ass!
by Lukas from canada June 1, 2006
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