
To Make fun of your friend in a harsh(But they are your boy, so its cool) way.
If I said, "Damn man, you got that sloppy ass face." He Got Fried

Im about to Fry Him
by Jannati December 10, 2007
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A red headed character from Futurerama. He was frozen in the Year 2000 on new years eve. He was unfrozen 1000 years later. He then met Leela, bender and Dr Ziodberg along with a few other characters. In the the past he was a pizza delivery boy and his girl friend had just broken up with him. He hated his life and job in the past. Even though he again became a delivery boy in the future he claimed it was his was happy about that?? i don't know after all he is stupid.

In one episode he claimed that he had made out with a radiator 'girl' from the radiator planet, but to his disapointment and embarasment he was told that it was just a radiator lol.
"Dude Fry is my favourite character"


"because he's stupid"
by Finnerty October 25, 2009
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(verb): the face you make when someone says something moronic, idiotic, and otherwise downsy; the squint and stare.

(reference to Fry from Futurama)
"He was such an idiot she had the look of Fry on her face."

"She did the Fry."
by Alyssa&Robert July 15, 2014
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fry fry

crack cocaine stretched with a large amount of baking soda yielding very little narcotic effect.
Man that rock looks like some fry fry.
by June bizzle October 26, 2007
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fry fry

Man, don't buy no crack from lenny he's got that fry fry!!
by heynow022003 October 25, 2007
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Tripping fucking balls on LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) or Mushrooms (psilocybin)
"Frying fucking balls" is normally used for when the walls are all different colors..(and breathing), the design on the carpet is crawling up the walls, there are swirls of colors floating in the air, everything is a cartoon, your best friend looks like a weasel, and you are uncontrolably laughing
as you can see "Frying" is used because it is like taking out your brain, and throwing on a frying pan made of rainbows, and filled with peace and love.
Matt: Dude, how was Disneyland?

Ryan: hahah, holy fucking christ dude, i ate like 2 grams of mushrooms, and was laughing my ass off at everything, then i was handed a tab of the strongest LSD i have ever come across..
went on the buzzlightyear ride, and was frying so fucking hard all i could do was laugh..
then went on the Winnie the Pooh ride, and it was THE greatest moment of my life.

Matt: hahah, holy shit man, thats insane

Ryan : yeah, i was losing my fucking mind man..
my brain was a mass of sunshine, lollipops and rainbows.
by fRyan April 12, 2009
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To trip hard, usually on LSD (acid)
I had to eat the acid when the cop pulled me over! I was frying so hard in the police station the walls were melting!
by Chris May 28, 2003
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