Slang term for money, especially money cast about in a casual manner, such as when buying rounds of drinks for people you don't know or even dislike, just to make yourself feel like the life of the party.

Seems to have been invented by comic genious brad neely.
"Professor Brother was the life of the science department's big Oppenheimer piñata party. That is, until the fliff throwing came to an abrupt end."

"A true Patriarch knows how to rock out with his fliff out."
by Patriarch917 June 1, 2007
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Money, particularly spent on buying others stuff to make ones self look better. Used in the video by Brad Neely on "Professor brothers: Fliff night"
"There I was, whipping out fliff like a sultan!"
by Siko sam May 29, 2007
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The look of a dog with substantial facial fur when wind-blown, especially when the dog is facing into the wind, blowing back their fur.
There was a lot of wind today, my schnauzer had a fliff.
by WaukeshaPlap December 1, 2020
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To fliff: Two people place their buttholes together and fart into each other.

by mrjswilson February 24, 2008
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yo, the other day fat girl Kate came over with some chiba, one thing lead to another and she quickly became my 3rd fliff this month!
by the dude 5446 July 31, 2010
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n., int. - Euphemism for diarrhea. Adults tend to use "fliff-fliff" in the presence of children. The onomatopeoic origin stems from the noise created by a fiery blast of explosive diarrhea hitting the toilet water surface.
CHILD: "Mommy, I don't feel so good."
MOTHER: "Honey, do you have to go fliff-fliff?"
by Knig Knog July 2, 2009
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Meaning dollar bills primarily. Also cash, or just money in general.
Man, I was throwin' fliff all over the place!
by Mynxie June 5, 2007
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