Ticket Flicker

One who through local state law, and the inability to speak the local language due to their illegal immigration, is reduced to flicking tickets to promote pornography in your drunken Las Vegas face.
Get your porno ticket out of my drunken Las Vegas face you ticket flicker! What up don?
by imadoctorofjournalism January 6, 2010
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Egg Flickers

A awesome band that throws eggs at their fans but throws frozen eggs at the haters.
Why you hatin on them Egg Flickers man!? They dope as fuck!
by Stale Bagel December 1, 2015
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Kolecki Flicker

When you get a girl to flick your ball sack while you jack off. It's one step below a blowjob.
"Dude, did you get a blowjob from Jessica last night?"

"Nah, she wouldn't go for it, but I totally got the kolecki flicker!"

by bo the dog September 17, 2013
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flickering the pea

My gurl was so horney she face time me flickering the pea and we both came together
by Team US Bank DTLA June 7, 2016
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egg flicker

An awesome band that will throw frozen eggs at you if your a hater
by Stale Bagel December 1, 2015
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flea flicker

literally someone whose job it is to flick fleas off of their employer, employers family or guests.

someone of extremely low social standing, who is obliged to engage in humiliating professions just to get by
Lady Gaga thrives off of her paparazzi flea flickers

If it hadn't been for his family name and inherited wealth, George W Bush would like have amounted to little more than a flea flicker.
by ayyfron August 4, 2010
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