Normally described as an smelly, spooky object, it is one of the worlds most popular parts on earthlings
My best friend told me, that if you break up with him, he will smack you with his oversized feet full of insects and bugs
by edknowsitscow December 29, 2021
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The act of tickling ones foot with your own, more commonly used in couples
Kyler was feeting her.
by Mwah December 28, 2018
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1.-Word invented by J.G.A. to name 2 or more pairs of foot --> feet-->feets
2.- Name that you give to ur foot when you have more than 3.
1 = foot
2 = feet
3 = feets
I need a feets massage* (local joke)
by ;) December 1, 2004
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nmmmm feet tasty 🥵🥵🥵🥵🦵🦵🦵🦵🦵👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm feet tasty 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤👣👣👣👣👣👣👣🦵🦵🦵🦵🦵🦵🦵
by mazafaka April 29, 2020
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Our feet our used to walk on losers, which are dirt, our feet our also used to be messaged and smelled by losers. They are also used to be put on top of a loser because they are also foot rests. Last thing is for walking and stuff like that.
I just used that loser as a foot rest for my feet.
by Trillesimo March 23, 2008
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a device used to find legos in the dark
"man,last night i found that lego i have been searching for 5 years.with my feet. ..""
by potatoma March 27, 2017
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When two coworkers create a fictitious meeting for the sole purpose of fucking each other in a conference room at the office during work hours.
Matthew came all over the CEO's chair in the executive board room during the feeting that Kerry had scheduled at 8:15 am on Tuesday.
by tedwhat December 4, 2008
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