by limp1210 January 18, 2010
A female who has many gay friends and who attracts them easily without even trying. However, a Fag Mag is not to be confused with a Fag Hag. Fag Mags have an average/high self-esteem, get frequent ass, do not rely on their gay friends for self-reassurance/affirmation, and are truly a gay man on the inside.
Gurl, you actually like yourself and you get so much ass. There's NO way you're a Fag Hag. Oh my god, you're totally a Fag Mag!
by NYCRock July 14, 2010
by Easy Breezy June 17, 2010
Akimbo .44 Magnums used in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
often accompanied by FMJ through the Bling Pro Perk
often accompanied by FMJ through the Bling Pro Perk
by Fag Magster December 15, 2009
( short for Fag Magnet) a woman who attracts gay males as friends. She does not seek out there friendships, they always find her.
by Meow February 19, 2004
also known as FHM; an abbreviation for Fag Hag Magnet
see: fag hag
a gay man with the right combination of looks, style and humor to attract significant attention from the Fag Hag crowd
see: fag hag
a gay man with the right combination of looks, style and humor to attract significant attention from the Fag Hag crowd
A 39-year-old woman who is sexually frustrated nearly suffocates a twink with her overly pronounced cleavage. Her friends rush over to offer their presence at cuddling and decorating parties.
This twink could be referred to as a Fag Hag Mag, or FHM.
This twink could be referred to as a Fag Hag Mag, or FHM.
by vava_blacksheep August 18, 2011
One who participates in the Magnet program. The fag is especially true of ones who are either: gay, watch Star Trek, program their calculators, are geeks/nerds/dorks..., or a combination of these.
by B-DblBizzle April 9, 2006