It stands for Free Of Charge. Most commonly used when talking about shoplifting.
I went to the store and got a pack of smokes FOC.
by iden_elite October 22, 2003
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Pronounced "fock," this is an abbreviation for the cheap brand of vodka called Five O'clock. This abbreviation is doubly useful for describing the taste of Five O'clock as it sounds similar to fuck.
I see you bought FOC again. That stuff tastes FOC-ing awful.
by Oh Hamburgers March 24, 2011
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Fear of Cock. Placed into a state of shock or fear when introduced to a penis.
He whipped that thing out, but I have FOC so instead of giving him a blowjob, I ran away.
by lauren rocket July 17, 2006
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Bob: 'Our new History teacher is FOC'
Joe: 'How can you tell?'
Bob: 'He doesn't know the first thing about teaching.'
by Jay-Jay <3 September 5, 2008
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To FOC; The art of FOCing: When one FOC's they are attending a cafeteria at Central Michigan University titled "Real Food On Campus". By no means is it the word it seems to be alluding to and is in fact, the act of going to enjoy your breakfast, lunch or dinner in the rFOC. Coined by the 7th floor in the school year of 2010-2011.
Just woke up. Somehow still tired (maybe even slightly more?) went and had a really quick FOC by myself because Chelsea wasn't yet back from class. Maybe next time :)

"Let's go FOC!"
by Andi and Charlie October 25, 2010
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Noun: FOC, FOCer
Plural: FOCs, FOCers

Abbreviation for "Fresh Out of the Closet"

Refers to a queer male, recently out, who has not fully come to terms with the idea of sex and/or relationships with other men resulting in great frustration and blue balls for their admirers. FOCers are characterized by a unique combination of seductive flirtiness and middle-school flightiness that makes even the most out of men opt to chop off their dicks after a certain period of time.
Gay #1: Have you met that guy that just came out? He's so cute! I'm gonna give it a try.

Gay #2: Dude, he's a classic FOC. It's not worth it.

Gay #1: FML.
by queertheraven September 22, 2011
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