F hole

In the musical world it is know as the acoustic holes to the left and right of the fingerboard and bridge. Not to be confused with the dirty minded other interpretations
Don't stick anything in my f hole you might break my instrument.
by Ryvisch August 11, 2016
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F hole

An "F hole" is the curlicued hole cut into the front of a stringed instrument.
There was also a Seattle-area rock band in the 1980s called "The F Holes" which gave a lot of people the wrong idea.
by kohoutekdriver8 July 28, 2006
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F hole

i'm gonna stick it in her F hole
by slaveowner April 29, 2008
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F Holes

All violins, violas, cellos and double basses have 2 holes either side of their bridge. These are, in fact, the instruments 'pair' of vaginas.
Dude, what are f holes?

F holes are it's pair of vaginas. That's how string instrumets mate. Endpin > either of the vaginas.
by dstark March 15, 2010
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An ugly place that really sucks.
John wanting to change apartment-
"man, I can't wait to move out of this F-hole"
by bene222 March 17, 2007
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