Substitute for the work "fuck." - Eff Yoo See Kay. Used on BBS, forums, etc where they didn't allow the word "fuck."
"Eysk you. I'm sick of your ish."

"This website censors curse words? Eysk them."
by Mattshizzle74 March 24, 2021
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Eyske is usually an awesome girl with some sarcastic talent. She’s good to hang out with and is always around when you need a shoulder to cry on. She usually wears glasses witch make her look extremely classy and she knows how to dress herself. She’s a good catch so never let her go
Guy 1: who’s that girl? She looks fine as hell
Guy 2: that’s Eyske, she’s my girl so keep of
Guy 1: lucky you, she’s awesome
by Voca1289 January 7, 2018
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