Extending beyond extraordinary. Remarkable and impressive. Grand in scale.
If Z90 picked Tabitha and Sarah for 3.0, that would be EPIC!!!
by WeLoveZ90 November 13, 2017
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Something a bit shit. Esp in relation to IT, user interface
“This system update is epic. It’s deleted my inbox

“I can’t believe the company spent £170 million on this. It’s totally epic”
by The Luddite March 30, 2023
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People who use this word in every sentence they speak, because they think it's sounds so cool, but really, EPIC FAIL. I'm gonna predict a few things about you if you love saying the word EPIC every 8 seconds.

First prediction, You smoke meth!!

Second prediction, you have children that you never see or take care of. Cause kids are so not EPIC.

Third prediction, you are on probation and probably still need to finish drug counseling.

Fourth prediction, you live at your parents house. The Rents are so not EPIC either, you know...

Fifth prediction, you had a 2013 Ford Focus, that was silver, lied to your boyfriend that you love him, would never hurt him and you promised to pay the monthly car note. Then you take said Ford focus, use it to drive yourself to different drug dealers and prostitute yourself for some meth. Then you proceed to fall asleep while driving and totally wreck the only nice thing you will ever get to drive, and still be lying to your boyfriend telling him that you wanna work things out and your loyal. Loyalty, not to your boyfriend, but loyal to the foil, because now your also smoking heroin on top of the meth, and now we're also shooting up meth.
Sixth prediction, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know this last one, you will spend part or most of 2022 in jail!!

Omg ur soo EPIC. Like wtf. This is not EPIC

Uggh, EPIC is liife
by Mr. Kanunu Batuna December 9, 2021
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epic eh-pik

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

To do the impossible and break the unbreakable. To fight what defines logic and win.
The most badass anime ever made. It truly defines what it means to be Epic. Amazing story, Amazing Battles, Amazing Music, and pure awesomeness.

youtube "Gurren Lagann"
by Tc2r July 5, 2009
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1.A term for one who achieves great feats and/or is amazing in general

2.Something incredibly amazing.
Did you see That guy do that backflip 4 feet in the air? That was SO epic
by TheBoomer October 26, 2013
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1) A word once used described by Vikings going into battle

2) Now an overused and annoying word used to spice up 13-30 year olds vocab.

3)Also used to descride a youtube video, refer to epic fail.
1) "We are here to fight against this dragon in an EPIC journey!!"

2) "Dude.. see Avaitar the special effects are EPICCCC"

3) He fell off his skateboard and hit his nuts... EPIC FAIL
by Owleyed February 4, 2011
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Once used to describe tales of incredible feats and events, with plots sometimes world-threatening in scope, told with elevated language; now used by any dumbass to describe something as mundane as curly fries.
Beowulf is an epic poem about the ultimate viking warrior and his victories against nigh-unkillable monsters.

Lord of the Rings is an epic novel spanning several volumes, where the fate of the world rests in the hands of an unlikely band of heroes.

"You should taste these epic onion rings, bro."

"I'm going to take an epic dump, bro."

"I have to do my epic taxes, bro."

"Watch this epic Vine video, bro."
by Mike MacDee March 24, 2014
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