Edward (or Ed) Elric is the main character of a Manga and tv series called Fullmetal Alchemist. He, the Fullmetal Alchemist himself, is with his brother Alphonse, or Al, while they fight evil to get the Philosipher's Stone to get their bodies back. After their mother died and they tried to transmutate her, they failed and Ed lost his right arm and left leg, while Al lost his entire body. Ed bonded his body to an armor suit, and they headed off. Winry Rockbell , Ed's automail mechanic, goes along with the two to accompany them in their journey.
"I would pray, but I have no god to pray to"~

Guy: YOUR the Fullmetal Alchemist? But your so small! Edward Elric: Who you calling small, you little pipsqueak?!

Pinako: Drink your milk, you little shrimp! Ed: You old hag!

Pinako: You half pint midget!
by Merlgurl June 13, 2015
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"Who are you calling a tiny bug that escapes the wrath of a shoe because he's so small that he fits in the grooves and can't get squashed??!" -Edward Elric
by The-Flame-Alchemist February 12, 2018
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The star of the anime FullMetal Alchemist. A boy who's mother died when he was young, so he and his brother tried to bring her back with alchemy, but instead, Ed lost a limb, and his brother Al lost his entire body. Edward used another limb, to put Al's soul in a suit of armor. Now they are searching for the Philosopher's Stone, a stone to help them regain their bodies. He also hates being called short or small. :)
"Have you ever noticed how short Edward Elric is?" Ed:"HEY!!! WHO'S CALLING ME A SHORT LITTLE SHRIMP YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE???!?!?!!"
by Sincerity April 17, 2005
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Edward Elric is the protagonist in the manga Fullmetal Alchemist. In the beginning he is in his early teens, but his age advances throughout the available episodes. He may look effeminate, but as a character he is far from it. His plait corresponds to the Japanese art designs in which characters commonly have long or at least strange-looking hair, and makes him look very comely. He is a state alchemist with two automail limbs and is searching for the Philosopher's Stone to resurrect his dead mother. He takes his journey with his younger brother, Alphonse Elric, whose soul is stored in a suit of armor from an attempt at alchemy gone horribly wrong. It is an intriguing and comedic drama, unfolding in a variety of lands as the brothers are pursued by murderers and the seven deadly sins.
Ed Elric is so bish, he's got legions of rabid fangirls.
Fangirl1: ONGZZ!!111 EDWARDDD!!
Fangirl2: HE'S SOOOOO HAWT!!!1 -squeal-
Fangirl3: JUST LOOK AT HIS BRAID!!!shiftone!!! -swoon-
Fangirl4: Ih8 WINRY SHE'S SUCH AN ED-STEALER!1! -moan-
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1. The younger brother of Edward Elric in the Anime of Fullmetal Alchemist.

2. The soul of whom was bound to a suit of armor.

3. ZOMG!! who DOSENT <3 ARU?!?!
"Brother, You Retard~!!!"
by HagaRen March 9, 2005
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The Main character of the hit anime/manga Full Metal Alchemist. He travels with his Brother Alphones Elric to find the philosifers stone. He lost his Leg when trying to appempt Human Transmutation, one of the greatest sins in Alchemy. Later when he transmusted his brothers body into a peice of armor lost his arm. Doesnt like to be teased about his hieght.
by Kyle C. June 20, 2005
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THE SHORTEST MALE YOU'LL EVER MEET IN FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST (Don't fucking call him shorty, pipsqueak, little, etc. or he'll get PISSED OFF AND THROW YOU OUT A WINDOW)
Damn he is such an Edward Elric, he get's pissed off if we call him short

by Shorty Edward June 6, 2017
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