by Crazasta September 4, 2007
"Elephant fuck!" *BAM*
by sonnytruelove October 13, 2008
damn... i can't believe no-one's defined elephant-fuck here... well here it goes!
to Elephant-Fuck someone is to insert into their appropriate orifice one's elbow or (in the case of an inordinately loose hoe) one's knee
to Elephant-Fuck someone is to insert into their appropriate orifice one's elbow or (in the case of an inordinately loose hoe) one's knee
'shit, man, that hoe you sent me was so loose, i started-out fisting her, but ended-up having to whip-out the old Elephant-Fuck trick!'
by seamus October 10, 2003
Kneeing someone very hard in the ass from behind without them having any knowledge you are about to do so.
"dude i was just pissing in the urinal and James elephant butt fucked me and i damn near fell in the urinal.
by NOFXisthebest87 August 1, 2008
by Daddy Jesus December 9, 2016