Thinking that the earth changes it's behavior because of your actions.
"I think all the earthquakes left because we moved in" "That's anti-egoseismic"
by Toad Red Toadstool March 5, 2012
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Thinking that when you moved somewhere, and there is an absence of earthquakes there, it is because of you.
Link: 'Wherever I go, earthquakes flee!'
Rhett: That's egocentric thinking.
Link: No, that's egoseismic thinking.
by SpasticTpying March 5, 2012
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When the a person believes the positioning of themselves affects earthquakes.
I know we just moved from North Carolina to California, but no earthquakes have happened here. Though there has been one in North Carolina after we left. I think it must be us.

Person 2: That is egoseismic thinking.
by The Mythical Monster March 5, 2012
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Believing that the epicenter of earthquakes has something to do with one's location.
Friend A: Maybe moving to California has moved the location of earthquakes away from us.
Friend B: Stop thinking Egoseismically
by Starrus March 17, 2012
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A form of narcissism that assumes that the person is the cause of earthquakes in their location.
You are egoseismic to believe that there are earthquakes in Los Angeles because you live there.
by The4thRider March 5, 2012
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When one thinks that the source of an earthquake moved because of himself/herself
"Maybe us coming out here redirected the epicenter of US earthquakes to where we were from"

"That's called egocentric thinking"

"I would call it egoseismic thnking"
by Moe'Suckra March 5, 2012
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Egocentrically thinking that moving to California from another U.S. state redirects the epicenter of an earthquake
dude, since we moved to California there hasn't been a single earthquake!
quit being so egoseismic
by assviolater March 5, 2012
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