a step child. Usually one that annoys the piss out of you and needs to have the shit kicked out of them.
Step Dad: I got home last night and the step kid was being annoying as hell
Man: Tell that dumb fucking dumby to shut the fuck up.

Step Dad: You won't believe what the Dumb fucking dumby did last night.
Man: You mean the DFD.
Step Dad: Yeah him

by step dad February 24, 2008
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A Big-Dumby-Nigger is a tall, stupid, black person.
The tall, black man with his shirt on back to front walked past.
Linda Shouted: HEY LOOK AT THE Big-Dumby-Nigger
by Subterraneo July 28, 2009
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•NOUN• What a simp calls his endeared, and uninterested girlfriend. Typically a cringe form. Not based in redpill.
dumby stupid idiot head 🥺
by geerw April 22, 2021
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A phrase used to refer to the absolute coolest, epicest person on the whole planet.
by Danidot YT June 11, 2022
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Joey: There was group of dumbasses over there
Kyle: Don't you mean Dumbi?
Joey: Thanks for correcting me, Dumbass
by Azzaholic January 12, 2019
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what you are if you actually search this up (and a quote used by egg)
dumby: 1+1=1
random passerby: what a dumby
by koolkidgamer69 July 30, 2021
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