Typically brown or black shoes to be worn at formal events. They are widely used in dance, for parties, and for special occasions, but are worn by some as their standard daily shoes.
Dress shoes are typically contrasted to athletic shoes.
by CrosswordPuzzle October 29, 2011
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A code word for a secret hook up, usually involving cash or friends.
by 5678m February 3, 2022
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term used by office workers for sandals in order to be able to wear them in the office
Your feet are warm? Well then you need well ventilated dress shoes!
by not Kevin May 17, 2006
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term used by office workers for sandals in order to be able to wear them in the office
Your feet get all hot and sweaty? Well then you need well ventilated dress shoes!
by KennyMac May 25, 2006
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Code to represent the three most prominent sexualities. A person has one dress shoe if they are bisexual, two dress shoes if they are homosexual, and no dress shoes if they are straight.
OMG, that guy definitely has dress shoes.

I can't believe he told me he only has one dress shoe when he LITARALLY HAS TWO.
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