Get brenched! Or Get drenched bitch! Is a simple way of basically telling someone to get fucked but without making it seem like so.
Chloe: you look so ugly today jess
Jess: get drenched (bitch)
by ItsYourHoeBro April 27, 2018
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The drench god is also commonly known as 2chainz. The drench god is a person who drenches themselves in all designer brands. Could also be called logo whore
Drench God with the 6 God, Point guard and the two guard- 2chainz
by BballsKBT May 24, 2017
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Did you see Mike's new beamer? Boy's drenched in flow
by akpakp January 13, 2012
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Frwnch fries, but with too much vinnegar
Look at all this vinnegar! I ordered French fries, not Drench fries
by Newton Orchid October 8, 2018
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a bunch of chipotle mayo.

(very cool sauce. best sauce. you’re the coolest)
are you.. perhaps.. drenched in the sauce?”
by Jaisynda August 13, 2023
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a command given to dunk someone in the 11 herbs and spices
guy 1: drench that fool
guy 2: no please
guy 3: get in
by sentient sock October 30, 2020
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The act of performing oral sex on a woman (cunnilingus) while she is urinating in your mouth. Not to be confused with squirting.
“Last night Tommy got the Golden Drench.” “Last night I golden drenched Tommy.”
by Lynxypoopsh December 24, 2017
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