When a bro is not actively pursuing pussy, he be draggin’ dick.
GARFIELD’s lousy excuse for dragging dick the other night was that he ate too much HAM and PUMPKIN pie… He is the cockest! Also, he is a butt pirate
by Payaso Bebé November 6, 2011
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When one sits down or stands up from the toilet seat and their dick drags across the end of the seat. Especially common with short bowl toilets and closed loop toilet seats.
We replaced the toilet in the downstairs bathroom to reduce the occurence of dick drag.
by evo October 1, 2004
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The act of dragging your dick up and over your mate after having sex
After haveing sex with my girl friend i wanted to dick drag her so i pulled it out and dragged my dick up her belly and across her face
by plumbing man September 9, 2010
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"There's no way I just won the Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes! Shoot, darlin', you must be draggin' my dick through
the cole slaw."
by Big Daddy Rush January 14, 2005
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A phrase used to explain of the lengths one would go through for a female.
I would drag my dick through a mile of broken glass just to hear her fart through a walkie talkie
by J.N. Growling October 10, 2010
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An unpleasant, uncomfortable and inconvenient experience
“That 13 hour car trip was an absolute dick drag
by LeopardNFB June 24, 2019
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