10 definitions by evo

Slang --

Org: Gic (HyperThread)
1) Noun: Gic that is confusing, scattered or disorienting in nature. Always in quantities greater than individual.
2) Verb: To gic in a particularly intense or illustrative manner.
1) Surveying the field littered with gic-jack, he wept for there were no more worlds left to conquer.
2) Got gic-jack'd by that ass hat in the SUV.
3) Don't you be bringin' that gic-jack in here muthafucka.
by evo September 24, 2004
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When one sits down or stands up from the toilet seat and their dick drags across the end of the seat. Especially common with short bowl toilets and closed loop toilet seats.
We replaced the toilet in the downstairs bathroom to reduce the occurence of dick drag.
by evo October 1, 2004
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Finchy is generally found in a haze a weed smoke, carefully thinking about an effective solution to solve his chronic drug problem.
Derived from the character from The Office- brash, to the point, and takes no prisoners.
Ben: Whats up wit you?
Joe: I'm feelin' Finchy
by evo October 18, 2004
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