
The person you trust fucks you over.
Alex- He really fucked me over. I trusted him.
Alexa- Yeah, he’s really disloyal
by Dickinmybootiehole November 16, 2019
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My wife was Disloyal to me and did it w/t my friend,so i pulled a virgina tech on her.
by Lovemachine 69 January 13, 2010
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A female that goes by "Godofhoes" is a semi-perfect example of the word disloyal, she is the biggest female-pimp of them all, she is the "God of all hoes". she breaks many hearts. aswell as male and female hearts.
"damn dude i just got played by the godofhoes"
"how man, thats terrible!"
"i dont know man, but she was really disloyal"
by youngdaggercereal January 7, 2019
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Somebody in a relationship who secretly masturbates to porn instead of making love to their partner. They have disloyal hands.
Peter performed disloyal proximal phalanges activities when he went and tossed off in the toilet instead of making love to his girlfriend.
by Milandra September 29, 2011
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Probably the best song on Fall Out Boy's new album 'Folie à Deux'. It starts slowly and then evolves into a massive catchy pop-punk song.
by notfallingapart April 18, 2009
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Term coined by Denzel Washington in "Training Day"
one who is, while at the same time actin disloyal, is also actin bitchmade and like a punk, and is a fool-ass for thinking he gonna get away with it.
Guy 1: Yo, man last night one thing lead to another and i fucked yo girl. But it bros before hoes right?

Guy 2: YOU DISLOYAL-FOOL-ASS-BITCHMADE-PUNK!!! I was gonna propose to her tonight. Now i gotta kill you AND her!!
by grim-reapa May 24, 2009
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