
by DeviSmall October 11, 2021
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by ken adamsrr1 February 19, 2018
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A Hindu name translating into the Indian Goddess, Shakti. Shakti meaning strong.
by inluvwithcows November 27, 2009
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Devy is such an amazing and funny person, friend, and boyfriend. He will always be there for you when you need him. He is smart, amazing, adorable and everything you'll ever need. He will help you through anything you have going on. Never take him for granted because you could lose him. He will be the best thing that's ever happened to you. He will stick by your side no matter what. He has the cutest dimples and the nicest smile. His eyelashes are super curly and he has the cutest laugh. He has the goofiest personality and cutest glasses and is so fun to be around. He's super cuddly and loves to be babied. He will be yours forever.
"Hey Devy can I have a hug?"
by BagOBiscuts September 3, 2020
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Devi is so fucking hot
by DeviSmall November 4, 2021
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Is a Queen and your no.1 hypeman , but has horrible taste in guys .
Thank you for the compliment , but you are being such a Devi , that guy isn't worth my beauty .
by I'm just rlly smart August 17, 2020
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Is known for starting up parties like a boss *party god* also dagger girls pon rapid.
by Devaughn1232 May 7, 2012
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