The SIDGS is a program at the University of Ottawa in international development. It attracts the largest number of students in the whole faculty of social sciences.

It is known for its contingent of English Canadian hippies and Franco Ontarians who don't know what to do with their life but want to travel and want to get through university without learning anything too rough. In between two joints they learn to hate the IMF and the World Bank and that participatory research methods is THE shit. After four years they also finally realise that international development is a load of crap, and they should study something else if they want a good job.

The profs in the SIDGS are an amalgation of academics and field practitioners, mostly all Marxist. Is it thought that there are two factions within the SIDGS Marxist group, a maoist one led informally by an old development worker, and a Trotskyist one led by an old sociology professor who is plotting to take over the SIDGS to turn it into a revolutionary unit. When a large enough number of DVM alumni realise they can't get a job, they will most likely join this organization to become the cannon fodder of the revolution.
(In a School of International Development and Global Studies typical class discussion group)

Teacher's Assistant: So did anyone read the text for today?

Most students: No...

TA: Can someone who read it sum it up? (i.e. the TA doesn't understand shit about DVM either...)

One student: Yeah, it says the IMF f**ked all the development in Africa and they're full of shit.

TA: (reading the text) Yes... yes you're right that's what it said.
by Bittos Bittos-Ghali August 6, 2011
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a person that in childhood wasn't beautiful and no one really looked at, but as the years passed by became really beautiful and now catches all the attention
Vitor wasn't handsome as a kid, but now I totally would go out with him, I guess he has an developed beauty
by Vt7even April 8, 2018
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developing:someone who is about to develop in a big way.You can be developing if someone is about to beat the fuck out of you and you change your appearance
This bitch is about to start developing

Areg is about to start developing for spam calling all of his nonexistent friends
by meggaman999 August 24, 2020
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Is a measure of simply how fast a wasteman can produce wass, hence the ‘rate’ of ‘wass development’.
Audace’s RWD (Rate of Wass Development) must be off the charts... especially when surrounded by the mandem or with a beer in hand.
by James Wassalhino January 24, 2023
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A developer that no one knows... they also create weird and creepy games.
you can find their site here:
No one knows Unknown Developer, they don't know you.

Don't play his games. Seriously, don't.
by awesome_kitty July 10, 2018
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Game Developer Syndrome (GDS, or game-dev syndrome) is a very common mental disability in which a game developer loses all semblance of the ability to make a balanced, enjoyable gameplay experience. This can be anything ranging from unfun and unbalanced multi-player combat to a long, drawn out, and/or grindy single-player experience. Mostly caused by developers gaining a massive ego off a random burst of sales, but also caused by being a AAA game developer.
Person 1: yo, wanna play this horror game "demonologist"?
Person 2: tf is that?
Person 1: it's a ghost hunting game where you go in and find evidence of a ghost before exorcising it
Person 2: so like phasmophobia with extra steps?
Person 1: yea, and a lack of Game Developer Syndrome
Person 2: ...what
by bigsht April 10, 2023
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