Excessive tiredness; extreme exhaustion to the point you cannot pronounce "dead" correctly.

#exhausted #depleted #drained #empty
"I'm dett"
by Khalilujah May 1, 2019
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An attractive female. The etymyolgy is as follows: Originally- "Hot" turned to "Burner" or "Burna". To allow for discretion, "Burnadette" was often used when one was spotted in a crowd. Eventually, this was shortened to simply, "Dette"
Yo did you see AEW wrestling has a Dette referee now?
by PrezzyPow July 30, 2021
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Do you want to join me down at the beach dette?
by Floppyuk October 10, 2007
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Your Favorite Female Buddy; an Amazing Female Friend; Your She-Partner in Crime; Your Wing Woman:

1. She is considered your #1 She-Buddy, Trusted as your Wing Woman.

2. A Girl that is a Buddy, and Likes chicks just as much as you do.

3. A Sassy Ohio Native that moved to Utah in the search of Lesbian Love!
"You show up home to find 2 Women in your Bed, all you can think is my buddy Bro-dette must have left me some gifts."

"Bro-dette is the Master of the Clam!"

"If Bro-dette was a Dinosaur, she would be named Lick-a-Lot-ta-Puss."

"Bro-dette is the Light in my Darkness."

"You Sex Chicks, Bro-dette Bangs Chicks."
by Don_Mayhem January 23, 2010
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A really fine girl with big titties and a big ass !
“ how’d it go at the party bro “
“ I pulled a dett
by The pseudonym December 22, 2017
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