In Tetris, this problem occurs when a single column remains open and the player needs a line piece to fill it. A psychological dependency also arises as the player prays to the Tetris God for the piece.

This situation is most dangerous when the rest of the field is becoming stacked higher and the player needs the line peice before he/she can focus on the rest of the game. Often, there is potential of acheiving tetris, hence the disinclination towards blocking the column and focusing on the increasing height of the rest of the blocks.

Line Peice Dependency is normally a voluntary condition, but can lead to disaster if the God of Tetris looks unfavourably upon you.
And on the 8th day, the Tetris God granted a line piece to alleviate the player's line piece dependency, and there was tetris, and it was good.
by Dick V. Gina April 17, 2010
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STATE-DEPENDENT MEMORY or STATE-DEPENDENT LEARNING is the phenomenon through which memory retrieval is most efficient when an individual is in the same state of consciousness as they were when the memory was formed.
The term is often used to describe memory retrieval while in states of consciousness produced by psychoactive drugs – most commonly, alcohol, but has implications for mood or non-substance induced states of consciousness as well.

Unlike CONTEXT-DEPENDENT MEMORY, which involves an individual's external environment and conditions, state-dependent memory applies to the individual's internal conditions.

For example, while context-dependent memory might refer to the idea that taking a test in the same room that an individual studied in will make it easier to retrieve those memories, state-dependent learning refers to the idea that if an individual always studied for a test while slightly caffeinated, it will most likely be easiest to recall what they studied during the test if they are at a similar level of caffeination.
1: "Why are you always trying to control situations, that can't possibly be controlled? You are just constantly in low-vibration state broski."
2: "Man, that's probably due to my state-dependent memory, it is a habit written in there, I use to get pissed off a lot. And you know what? That's really pissing me off."
by R0BERT GREY February 24, 2019
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a) When you like someone because they hate you

b) trying to change the mind of someone who hates you by kissing ass
im going to pretend i hate that boy that i like so he gets hater dependency syndrome
by effyspseudonym June 19, 2011
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Similar to helpy-helpington-ism. Tendency to offer unsolicited help to attendees of a Zoom session, even when logged in purely as a participant.
Unable to repress his co-host-dependency, he directed participants and answered questions as they entered the videochat, forcing the actual hosts and co-hosts to clarify and redirect. Zoomified, he muted his mic and turned off his camera.
by Jules.Sheehy April 5, 2021
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1. a phrase used to say it all depends
2. Gay ass saying a teacher may say
it all depends adult diapers
by student October 24, 2003
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A mans who constantly need a female to sustain himself through life
homeboy 1: Hey you heard Travis linked up with another girl last week?
homeboy 2: For real!? mans just got out of a recent ting
homeboy 1: fr I think he has CBD (Chronic Bitch Dependency)
by DrDefineAz June 28, 2020
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