
(the true meaning)To go backwards or lose ones higher ranking such as one worker being lame and thus oned-up for life by a new coworker who is supremely awesome.
Samantha was degressed when her new coworker Kristina became the favorite of their employer.
by Anitsirk01 January 12, 2009
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A word that Kristina made up to sound smart but has no meaning; an imaginary word to make site partners feel vastly more intelligent than others
Ex: Kristina made up the word 'degress' because she has the memory span of a goldfish. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimmimg...
by killerkitten12345678 January 9, 2009
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The act of losing intelligence by being around stupid people and or a stupid individual.
I'm degressing by being around you.
by Yuggurt October 27, 2014
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