Crispy rice is a crunchy and crispier version of normal rice. You can make it with brown, white and other types of rice. Crispy rice is also rice crispies.
I want to eat some crispy rice!
by Defination Maker Man April 22, 2017
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Cold hard cash that is meant to be spent on hash.
I g'd some rice crispies from da rich cracker so I could get me more weed.
by CHRI s July 29, 2005
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Any import with a exhaust that snaps, crackles, pops
Check out that gay rice crispy
by DeVirginator February 4, 2003
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A white person, that acts proper white. All posh all shit clothes, super racist to blacks.
That milky called me a monkey, what a milky idiot. No he's a rice crispy.
by BlackJack February 20, 2005
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Throwing fun snaps at a girl while she gives you head to "spice things up" in the bedroom
"You should rice crispy that girl for your anniversary. Make her snap crackle and pop"
by My boi skinni penis October 22, 2019
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When a penis gets infected and the end of it looks like well a clump of rice, kinda crispy definitely gross and is almost unbelievable.
person 1: dude, do you have super crispy fried rice?
person 2: what's that?
person 1: some disease that makes the end of your dick look like fried rice
person 2: man thats digusting!
by illgamer97 July 17, 2012
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1. A fairly juicy, oval shaped mole resembling a "burnt rice crispie."

2. Rare rice crispie (though they're in almost every box!), blackened by its burn.
1. Patrick Mason had a trance enducing burnt rice crispie resting on his neck.

2. Huey picked out the burnt rice crispies from his cereal and tried to stick them under the table like most things...
by Casbar Gomez the 3rd October 4, 2005
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