
What one says when they are extremely annoyed of frustrated by another or something. Often replaces the "damn it".
CRIPES! Would you just leave me the Hell alone already?!
by CoshSA May 31, 2005
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Used to express annoyance, anger, or dismay.

An alteration of "Christ."
Cripes! I forgot my bloody dagger in the church!
by ohdiesel June 2, 2004
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Variant of "Christ!" used as an cry of exclimation.
Ah cripe, I shit my pants again!
by turdburglar February 22, 2005
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When your English response to question 4 is like 2 lines
Oh, cripes I've run out of time!
by MagicalBacon February 15, 2018
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An exclamtion found somewhere inbetween the words ‘crap’ and ‘Christ’.
Cripes, I forgot my keys again!!
by Victor Van Styn October 8, 2005
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A term for an insane person or mentally ill person.
Kelly is being a Criping
by LordofCripings May 29, 2018
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