A location that can be figurative or literal where you go when you are privy to something that is so cringe-worthy that you just want to pull a cloak of invisibility over your head and disappear until you regain composure.
That old man at the coffee shop made another racist joke and wondered why I didn't laugh. He and I were the only ones in the room and during the awkward silence, I just wanted to go to my cringe corner.
by Paulie the Monkey October 12, 2017
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"Baby on me" and "My friendship is not behind vodka" is a cringe tattoo.
by goddamn3000 March 14, 2023
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It is when you call Piyeris, a level 50 in sounds world, cringe
Sam participated in Call Piyeris cringe day
by Sleepylyy November 28, 2021
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