it literally just means crying but like of laughter
omg bitch im CRINE thats was sooo funny
by lil uwuzi March 5, 2019
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A "word" aggravating people say in replace of "I'm crying". Usually used when things are remotely funny.
by devx_ July 1, 2014
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1) the perspiration of ones eyeballs due to an influence that causes any extreme emotion other than sadness.
Her: I’m going to leave you and go fuck with your homeboy.

Him: lol crine tears. He definitely got aids baby girl.
by theplayasgala December 4, 2020
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Love, life and everything in between. Crine is the end an the beginning. It can be applied as a cream or exchanged over the world wide web. Crine can't be defined by the sum of it's attribute, it is therefore holistic. Finding crine is like finding a gold nugget that has been hidden in plain sight for all your life, but you couldn't see it because you we're addicted to failure and assumed the world was crineless. That's why crine is worth much more than Bitcoins, it's the only currency that is more free than air and more limited than gold. But crine is never lost, because it can always be remembered.
Never stop the crine.
Crine herd or crine treieen.
by flart22forlife August 25, 2014
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The most annoying person you'll ever meet is micro midget has the head side of a really big mafis tick tack and could land a 75 hellercopter on his forehead and has a no hair line common hair cut is the shmul cut
Crine is an annoying twat bag
by Bige cheese December 11, 2019
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crying but shortened.
used to describe your emotions when something is funny
*friend sends me a meme
omg crine
by skyrat_04 November 10, 2020
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