Corey is a masculine given name and a surname. It is a masculine version of the name Cora, which has Greek origins and is the maiden name of the goddess Persephone. The name also can have origins from the Gaelic word coire, which means "in a cauldron" or "in a hollow".

Related names: Cory, Cora, Coire, Corie, Corrie, Curry (surname), Correy, Cori, Kory, Khouri, Kori, Korie.
Gender: Male
Origin/Languages: Greek, Gaelic, Latin
Corey ate strawberries while watching the sunrise.
by October 14, 2021
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His bra size is bigger than his grandma's and he once ate a taco off the floor for a dare
Man, that guy is such a corey! He'll do anything for a dare
by XXpussyslayer42069Xx October 5, 2018
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Someone who’s Favorite song is bust down Thotiana.
Corey: Hey can we listen to Thotiana
by andy_get_gotted January 30, 2019
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Is an ugly little doorknob who pleases children and car exhausts with his 100000000inch wab
Girl:Sugma vegene
Corey:yeees, show me Bob pls
by Robisss nobissss is gey March 30, 2019
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absolutely fiends the weena

goofy goober gemini w a split personality: lonny love and purity kawaii boy

also speaks simlish at times
corey: WDIFH!!!!
"The nights over"

"No kayla - "
"Come here"
"What else?"
by kikiluv1029 August 1, 2023
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