something to keep hidden in new york and is impossible to hide in LA
if los angeles had any rivers they would be made of cocaine
by jj audobon September 16, 2003
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A wonderful drug that makes an erection like pushing a wet piece of rope across your bedroom floor. It can also lead to a male trying to fake an orgasm.
Stan: "megan doesn't understand how I can fuck 8 times in one night. It's because I never came the first time"
by naturalbornhater August 20, 2005
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white powder that is snorted to get a "rush", rich man's speed, candy that makes you dandy
Person 1: Oh man, I'm so tired. I don't
feel well.

Person 2: I think you need your medicine

by Food May 27, 2004
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If I don't get my two cups of cocaine in the morning, I'm usually pretty grumpy.
by anonymous March 2, 2005
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(n) extract of the coca leaf in powder form. increases heart rate and induces a heightened sense of awareness; Stevie Nicks's worst enemy. will never break the chain Oww my nose...
by StrongFat February 16, 2003
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a thing that your sniff.
guy 2: no

cocaine is a powder commonly found in iron. i think.
by suger man October 28, 2021
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an addictive drug derived from coca or prepared synthetically, used as an illegal stimulant and sometimes medicinally as a local anaesthetic
Person 1: want some cocaine?

Person 2: dude, of course duh
by cartiervert June 29, 2016
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