forwarded e-mail which threatens to ruin yor sex life unless you send it to 20 people within 5 minutes of receiving it.
OMG guys, Jesus wrote this chain letter 2000 years ago despite the fact of not having a computer and if you dont send it to 80 friends within the next hour in order to save a starving ugandan orphan with syphilis he will zap your testicles off!
by Aden December 11, 2003
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A way for the bored people to reach out and fill their so-called "friends'" email boxes with useless information so that they could feel superior in reaching out to mass people that they otherwise would not be able to meet.
Friends do not let friends send chain letters.
by xntrc October 12, 2005
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In 1894 a girl named Mary went to the store. When she got there she was kidnapped and then raped to death by 9 men. Now if don't post it on to 5 other definitions, she will come to your room with glowing red eyes and kill you.
That my friend, is an example of a chain letter..
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A form of forward letters that are illegal in real life, so now a bunch of idiots have begun doing it in real life.
I hate those damn chain letters.
by Dude November 26, 2003
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A letter sent either via email or postal mail that usually involves send a certain amount of copies of the letter to people by a cetain date to avoid a bad event.
The chain letter said to make 20 copies and send them to 20 people, and I would have good luck!
by Falconrath October 24, 2003
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Either seen as a death threat, list, or something random to scare or "reward" people, a chain letter is something that many idiots believe in. It is an epidemic on Youtube and Myspace. Usually, middle schoolers and people without friends forward these, but these letters are annoying as hell generally. If it's not a death threat, it says that it will tell you that if you forward it, that you'll have yourself a boyfriend/girlfriend on Friday.
Person 1: Hey! I just reposted this chain letter on Myspace saying that she'll finaly be mine on Friday!
Person 2: Shut up! Myspace isn't going to decide that for you. Grow some balls now.
by Blue Kirby July 23, 2008
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