A spark plug sized turd similar to a dingleberry that hangs off of a dog's ass in the winter while piching a loaf in the freezing cold.
It's freezing out. I hope Rover doesn't get a carbunkle after he takes his shit.
by kidlou December 25, 2010
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a big nasty festered pimple on ones ass
Hey bitch you need to pop that carbunkle if you want me to hit it from behind.
by Adam Baker October 15, 2005
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Word used by patheitc, older men meaning a woman's behind or ass.
by Shea July 16, 2004
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Little chunks of debris, usually found around or near the butthole, caught in the hair. Comprised of fecal matter, toliet paper, lint etc.

A side effect of improper hygiene.
Cheap toliet paper will result in Carbunkles.

"She would've tossed my salad, if it weren't for these darn curbunkles!"
by Neck February 28, 2008
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To be completely outdone/outplayed e.g. mugged/destroyed
Michael got absolutely carbunkled at the football game last night.
by alex._.k March 15, 2019
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