A device, usually a wooden baseball bat, that is used to beat down cans.
Man I beat the shit out of that MexiCAN, with my can stick, when he tried stealing my stash.
by Gondorian Soldier October 20, 2005
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Cutting the peen in half so you can stick the peen in
Guy 1-"Yo I just engaged in cutting his peen in half so I can stick my peen in."
Guy 2-"Is that when you are cutting the peen in half so you can stick the peen in?"
Guy 1-"Yea it is"
Guy 2-"Thats fucking hot"
by MinecraftProPlayer200 November 6, 2018
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1.(Verb) meaning more than the user could masturbate with or masturbate to.

2.(Noun) An inconceivably large amount of something.
"More than i can shake a stick at"- In a conversation;

Car parts store clerk-"Would you like to purchase some hand cleaner sir?"

Customer-"No thanks man, i have more hand cleaner than i can shake a stick at!"

Car parts store clerk-"Wow thats alot of hand cleaner!"

Customer-"Dude you have no idea......."
by Radar the Magnificent March 23, 2011
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