The 9th Call of Duty game developed by Treyarch...
Unlike Infinity Ward, Treyarch is doing something original to COD for a change and is placing the game in a futuristic setting.
Even though the game hasn't been released yet, Battlefield 3 and Modern Warfare 3 fanboys have been giving it shit.

Please Treyarch, you are our last hope!
*IW releases MW3 (after doing adding nothing original and copying and pasting MW2)*


OMG! T3hs game r t3h bst gamez evar!

MWthr3 4 lyphe!

lololol trik sawts r the beastzestz!

*Treyarch announces an original idea for the COD series, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2*


Yur ruinin th3 call ov do0ty franchize!

This game Blows!

COD sucks!

by NovaXP July 7, 2012
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Call of Duty: World War 2 is Sledgehammer Games new, upcoming Call of Duty game of 2017. With currently over 17M Views and over 900,000 likes on YouTube, Call of Duty: World War 2 is what will bring Call of Duty out of the grave after 4 years of constant negativity and hate towards the series.
Have you seen the new Call of Duty: World War 2 trailer for 2017? Dude! We are going back to World War 2!
by Pvtcandybar99 May 30, 2017
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A very boring game to watch for the girlfriend.

We don't care about your kill and death ratio. Or how the way you just shot the enemy looked badass. Trust us, there is no need to yell across the house and make us run (doing the most exercise we have done in months) to where ever you are, only to watch your replay of you shooting some guy in the head ("headshot!").
OH, and we don't care about the type of guns you found or got.

There is also no need to play it with the surround sound on...its just the sound of gunshots over over and over. You have already played the game so many times that you could recite what the guy is saying.
Girl 1: " my boyfriends. He's playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2."
Girl 2: "oh man, that's sucks. Has he talked to you at least?"
Girl 1: " Nope, not really... He just keeps yelling to his roommates in the livingroom telling him where he's at so they can kill him for some 'infected thingy'. I could prolly leave and he wouldn't know the difference."
Girl 2: " Damn! Good thing COD can't get them laid or we'd all be screwed"

-- its ok...Chandler, I still love you.
by H loves C February 3, 2010
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1)where most 5 year old's, with broken mics and an annoying habit of thinking they are cool because they get husky over a video game, get a false sense of skill whether it is noob-tubing, camping, running around at 7x's the speed any normal human being could run, or any other annoying habits

2)made because the makers of Call of Duty: Modern Warefare
who's KDR's were not good enough so they decided to make it more noob friendly and completely screw up the game

3)worst game to play when you are not in a good mood because most likely u will get even more pissed off and have to resist beating yourself with any nearby blunt objects

4) the game where the only positive thing is in-lobby muting :D
Player 1: "Dude i just got 3 nukes in a row in Call of Duty: Modern Warefare 2"
me: "who cares you probably camped with a RPG at the ready like you always do!"
by costs:yoursoul!!! August 17, 2010
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The greatest game ever created by infinity ward. It takes over your life and you will probably will never get laid. The further you get in to the game the more it eats your life away. It has a good storyline an d the graphics are gorgeous. And xbox live will change you forever. It whoops halos ass and killzone 2 looks like shit compared to it. If you want to play just add me on xbox live.... grandeRoOsTeR94
Dad: Come on son its time for your moms funeral

Son: Leave me alone DAD! im on a 24 killstreak...will they have call of duty modern warfare 2 at the funeral.
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The game that has some advantages over Black Ops, but also has disadvantages to it. Has a ton of unneccisary killstreaks and attachements, nothing takes skill, and people run rampant with random grenades, noob-tubes, and the Famas. (Also M16, M4, MP5K, ect.)
P1: Wanna play Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2?!

P2: Nah, people do gay shit on that. Fuckin' noobtubes.
by McJagged June 18, 2011
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another probably shitty ass game from a shitty ass franchise by a shitty ass pay to win company, but at least we're boots on the ground
them: call of duty: world war 2 looks really cool!
me:cALL oF dUtY wOrLD wAR 2 LoOoKS ReALLy cOoOL¡
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