
A loud, harsh, or discordant mixture of noise.

Additionally, Matthew Mercer's favorite descriptor for a loud noise, specifically when on Critical Role.
Percy let's out a shot with bad news and with a cacophonous boom it echoes through the mines of Kraghammer.
by Azraeladonis August 20, 2017
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Having a harsh or discordant sound.
“Maybe she had sat here in the cacophonous darkness and felt some kind of desperation take her over.”
by UrbanReading August 9, 2016
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An instrument that plays a dreadful, harsh tone; derived from the word cacophony.
When John played his cacophone, the shrieks, moans, and groans emitted from the room weren't just from the audience members...
by Overmind September 6, 2005
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to create, or to cause to be created, discordant or harsh sounds, typically at a high decibel level
Right now it isn’t raining but it is rather windy. Once in a while, a big gust will disturb a roost of Common Mynas at the top of a nearby palm tree and they’ll cacophonize for a while.
by Pigletnom November 14, 2011
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The quality of a seemingly intellectual person's constant hankering for complexing simple stuffs , and in that process making people feel boredom .
Simon always uses big words to sound smart , but actually he's superficial and one day his cacophonicality will be disclosed in front of everyone .
by Dip_Narendrapally February 6, 2022
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