This word/phrase may also be spelled "Buzzin' Boysh" "Buzzin Boyzsh" and any combination.
This word/phrase is often used by Skangers/Chavs to describe their most excellent music, which is a lot better than "Aww Decco them gay goff ladsh and their fucking choons"
This word/phrase is often used by Skangers/Chavs to describe their most excellent music, which is a lot better than "Aww Decco them gay goff ladsh and their fucking choons"
by Drakai December 14, 2004
The description of your boys after a great night of drinking, dancing, bird chasing, and pre marital sex
by TrapGod2222 October 28, 2017
The point when packing a lip of tobacco when you reach your best buzz and are as calm and chill as a moose.
by scottishchap January 21, 2011
by KARNuse December 2, 2008
by Lilwestside October 4, 2022
The act off consuming just enough alcohol to stay buzzed, and keep consuming alcohol at a solid pace to keep the level of buzz. You're drunk enough to act retarded, but sober enough to tell whos a dirty.
Guy #1: Dude, how much have you drank?
Guy #2: I forget yo, I'm just buzzin like a bee ahahahaha.
(A little later..)
Guy #1: Damn, that girls a solid 8/10
Guy #2: (To the "8/10") WHADDUP DIRT?!
Guy #2: I forget yo, I'm just buzzin like a bee ahahahaha.
(A little later..)
Guy #1: Damn, that girls a solid 8/10
Guy #2: (To the "8/10") WHADDUP DIRT?!
by Kazzoc$$$ May 16, 2010
Boy 1 ''You can't play basketball for nuts''
Boy 2 ''Do you want a slap''
Boy 1 ''No, calm down. I'm only buzzin' with you!''
Boy 2 ''Do you want a slap''
Boy 1 ''No, calm down. I'm only buzzin' with you!''
by Jamachine October 16, 2006