The act or performance of a Butthugg is normally when you greet some one pants at the ankles, turn about face and spead'm, and proceed connecting asses together. It is then mandatory to perform what is known as a Butthugg Dance that resembles that of two Eagle mating in a majestic mountain setting. It can also be used as a method of recreation, making the performance a more casual act when the pants coming down are optional decisions upon the individuals involved. If one or Both parties keep the pants on, the Eagles Clutch is no longer possible, forcing them to just to a few slow and coordinated spins in a circle. Another quicker greeting type of butthugg is the Buttsmooch, where it is just a simple quick smooch of the but cheeks together but with a mandatory requirement of being bare assed. Participants in a Buttsmooch are usually preparing for it as the walk toward one another.

ex 2. (Buttsmooch) Hey whats up bro good to see you again it's be so long! Fuckn Butthugs Buddz just like the Old days! Lets Do This! OOOOOOHHHH BOOOOOM!!!!!

ex 3. Hey pretty lady wanna butthugg? ;) Ass First?

ex 4. At the family reunion coming up! i'm going to give everybody such big Butthuggs when i see them!
by ButtBiggals November 27, 2020
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One that is junior to an accomplished asskisser. They simply cannot get into proximity to kiss the ass so they must be content to hug the butt until the proper opportunity arises.
Batman is a serious asskisser to Commissioner Gordon his sidekick Robin is terribly jealous. Oh well, I guess he just has to pacify himself being a legendary butthugger.
by meezerfuhrer December 17, 2009
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Max walks down the hall acting like a jerk
Felicity: man that guys a butthugger.
by Ashblood July 29, 2016
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Pants so tight that it is skin tight pressing against your butt.
Guy1: Did you see billy wearing them tight skinny jeans ?

Guy2: Yeah they were real Butthuggers.
by HeavySet420 February 11, 2016
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Pants that are skin tight so much it can perfectly shape your butt.
guy1: Did you see little jimmy wearing them skinny jeans ?
guy2: Yeah they are some real butthuggers
by HeavySet420 February 14, 2016
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